| Izaia Zrakov age: 20 years . birthplace: Regge, Nylert. group: Clima-Movement. family: Daughter Zrakov Biarum and Kylix. His brother, Izeen . And many cousins Zrakovs. occupation: student magic Nylert police. played by: Julianne Nicholson. |
| Danae Zrakov age 18. birthplace: Regge, Nylert. family: Weather-Fire. occupation: is supposed to study. Something. character / s master / is related / s: 's cousin and Izaia Izeen Zrakov. played by: Lindsay Lohan. |
| Szilard Imre. age 23. birthplace: Blyd, Nylert. family: Fuego. occupation: what comes out, has no steady job. character / s master / is related / s: is an old friend and fellow group Symel Dhalik . played by: Olivia Wilde . |
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