Expomanga 2007 / Misi? N: Pictures with Hinata already played
update, since it has reached record comments in the previous post. As you see, change user picture: O
this time to talk? my visit to Expomanga 2007, very large. Ah? is a kind of cr? unique, "summary" (J?!) XD.
S? Saturday
: On Friday I could not go, because of the evil work of class, but the S? Saturday s? that I did not lose? a.
I was sighted, and given that room? Masters had the brilliant idea of being at 8:30 in the morning to find no queue, I set the alarm for 7:30, with the result that I ended up? waking up at 8:20 for tomorrow, and life chances of multiple compressions of space-time at 8:30 and was in the Metro waiting for the rest of energy? less xD. Funny
journey full of macaroni and bukkake (especially in the arch-known "Caba? To the semen": O), and after a long (or quiz? S short) journey on we follow a great Jiraiya, we Pabell door? n of the pipe, where? n tails did not reach the kil? metro. When we got to locate it, the eyes hac? An m? S to divert to Cosplays that felt like hugging, or destroy, seg? N the degree of complexity. Anyway, m? S to a convention? N manga and anime, something that? An evidence for Chuunin of Konoha, since that was full of assumptions Konoha ninjas. But between ninja and ninja, hab? A great Cosplays it deserves? To take a picture's worth (someone mysteriously left? Without batteries in your c? Camera ...), and a couple of Luffy and some Shinigami quite achieved. However, a few feet in front m? To the tail, was which has been the m? s great in this Expomanga Cosplay, seg? n I've seen, and "That was Atomsk! The best costume I've seen in my life, one of my favorite series, FLCL. It was big, it was red and have "A" A screen of truth in the head!
Then I odi? am? himself for not wearing a c? mara: __ Well, finally entered the Pabell? n, and the first thing I saw was the stand of Gl? nat, which have? a big sign announcing a series m? policies and new season, of which surprised me? find D.Gray-Man, who did not know? to come and be licensed. It was at 10:00 tomorrow, but I hab? A lot of people, and inhabitants? To look at the stands before being exhausted stocks. Everywhere revelation announcing the series? N this season, Naruto and Bleach, and for those who are not so obsessed by these series, we molest? m not finding? s to keychains and figures of the two lucky ¬ ¬ Although hab? to sites with great merchandising series Death Note and quality (H), where pod? as found from figures about 10cm Fate / Stay Night to huge figures of Eureka Seven (s?!). Next? S to go with the look of the first booth, I fij? in the closet, and then I saw ... was my dream come true ... OMG? Was a Hinata cosplay! I was drooling for a while, until the record? have not? ac? mara ... but did not care? eventually get? a battery! As? that say? stick around the stands and see what? was. Then I d? realized that this deb? to be on for? so for fans of Naruto, because ten? an Cosplay of the characters. Hab? A Naruto (and Naruto \u0026lt;3 xD), Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Hinata (L), Rock Lee, Kiba, Chouji, etc, etc ... but above all? room? a multitude of Gaara! Pens? that would be the Cosplay m? s used, but Reconsider? to find m? s L a dozen, half of them quite badly made xD. Visit to the space playing games, in this case to test the XBox 360, Jugu? the DOA 4, not much, but I have left? amazed when I finally saw firsthand the Gears Of War, I imagined that The graphics could be so good xD. ActuaciĆ³? N pat? Policy to Guitar Hero 2 and Wii Tennis ... decided to end the game xD.
We returned after lunch, and say? that it was time to eat a little. Naruto fever and took its toll on m tapes, which they took? Ndome (though not very satisfied) to buy a damn Konoha tape, which made me m? S slag it already was for not wearing Cosplay, but I sat a strange being? unique being that has seen the series and do not have? to the tape. Compr? a couple of volumes of Gantz I needed, and a great shirt Death Note. And finally I arrived? the stand of my favorite non-anime, FINAL FANTASY VIII. Compr? pack pendant, ring and sword-gun keychain: D and I left? wanting to m? s xD. Left me? a considerable amount of money on these things, but after buying all this, a? No I was missing something ... I was sad and did not know? to why?, until then came back? to appear? my dear Hinata! All? she was, looking stands, and I mir? foward to it xD. After continued threats of a will? Orita and other people saying "we have c? Mara" arm me? value, it? ys control nerves?, LE PED? A PICTURE WITH ME. Oh, I think that was the moment m? S happy at all, or, as you can see my picture in MSN ^ ^.
With almost everything you want? To purchase (for me to leave, or that is the figure of Guu and T-Amigo) and my love photo with plat? Mail, and say? it was time to go ... not without seeing what? is cooking? to the stage at 17:00 ET contest Karaoke. To highlight the actions of Chechu and Cruel Angel Thesis version? N punk a cappella, the staging of Ikki's F? Nix box and armor that result? Swan Hyoga be some good songs like Melissa by Porno Graffiti and some damage as Ike Ike! a capella xD. A? N were too many participants, and foot pain was unbearable, so we left without seeing the awards. Room on the street? A portfolio? To a queue kilom? Mains, as well? we decided to sit down and look Cosplays (and in my case I went back to Hinata? to appear xD). Finally, after a long journey back home, dinner as he deserves? A night under the red moon eclipse.
In conclusion, use, I enjoyed this year you much more? s as above, and although I was disappointed to find nothing of Ergo Proxy States, have come m? s happy xD. The Narutoman? Not that bad then? S of all: O.
Sorry I could not carry a c? Camera, but the year you promise acribillaros next to funky xD Cosplays.
forums I found p? Pages with photos of some Cosplays of this year you: O ah? van:
TOP 5 Cosplays this year you:
1. Atomsk (FLCL)
2. And Freiya Chii (Chobits)
3. Rukia (Bleach)
4. Izumi (Gantz)
5. Wolfwood (Trigun)
(still a couple of posters that is already? N hung xD)
* Y el a? O que viene m? S Hinatas (L) *
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