Friday, October 17, 2008

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Arqueologicas y Noticias that ... Pushing Daisies

"Found the crypt where Caligula was murdered. The camera has been located under the house of the emperor Tiberius, on the Palatine Hill in Rome "

--- in fins. Senza Dubbie, il cuore della piu antica Roma batte sul (or megglio, sotto il) Monte Pallatino. These News should always quarantine them very xq archaeologists (and Italians) will freak a lot of putting names to things q found. Discoveries that in many cases questionable SMOC standpoint, strictly, scientific. (And not for me to put in doubt the great Andrea Carandini!) --- Following

in Rome: This news pleased me. " was the gladiator il tomba di Saxa mausoleum Rubra. L'epigraph di Marco Nonius, l'eroe di Russel Crowe " ( )
(...) is the Roman commander who inspired Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" the magnificent funerary monument came to light in recent months on Via Flaminia. The gigantic inscription discovered along with other parts of marble that once covered the mauseoleo, list the name of Marcus Nonius Macrinus . (...) is convinced of the archaeologist Daniela Rossi of Rome Superintendency special yesterday, after the anticipation of the Republic, Giorgio Salvatori interviewed by the TG2, spoke of an "exceptional find." «Erano almeno venti o trent´anni che a Roma non venivano alla luce pezzi di questa importanza»

-- más cositas italianas: Esta mañana he terminado de leer un libro que, sin duda, recomiendo: "GOMORRA" , de Roberto Saviano . El libro es una novela-ensayo histórico-documento periodístico sobre la Camorra napolitana. Es un relato terrible e increiblemente valiente, xq el autor da nombres, apellidos, direccciones completas, nombres de tiendas q venden productos procedentes de la mafia (algunas en España), etc... Todo el libro está muy well documented through the use of data from criminal cases opened by the anti-mafia prosecutor of Naples. Is a book of astonishing brutality. The moral is: ALL FOR THE PASTA. In the background the rowdy consider themselves entrepreneurs. Business people who are doing everything to maintain the business. And business is drugs, clothing, weapons, food, garbage, construction, ALL that can be sold. Xq now recommend this book just this week published a letter writer in the newspaper The Repubbica where q says leaves Italy. Since q published the book lives surrounded by bodyguards in a flat 7 q only the police know. Is very strong. It has been very worth reading his book, xq is sad to read the story of a real war in the heart of civilized Europe in the XXI century. a war that is attacking and condemning the entire population of a region of the 8 th or 9 th 'richest country in the world. And I've been very sorry to read the story of Saviano. A Neapolitan committed to their land, q q has run away from it as the terrorists that roam freely destroy her.

"honorary Roman Saviano" (
The Rome group of the Democratic Party has filed a motion to give the Roberto Saviano honorary citizenship of the city. "It is a moral duty and an important recognition - says the director Fabrizio Panecaldo - first to Saviano, but also to the representatives of the municipalities affected by cancer Camorra. They deserve the support to continue the battle so far conducted institutions, and avoiding the withdrawal, dejection and abandonment. "


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